Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

I've been away from blogging for several days, back in my home town of Louisville, Kentucky, tending to a family emergency. (Prayers for my father's recovery from a serious illness would be deeply appreciated.)

I do find myself with a little time today, though, to pause and wish the Mother of God a happy birthday.


Joye in the risinge of our orient starr,
That shall bringe forth the Sunne that lent her light;
Joye in the peace that shall conclude our warre,
And soon rebate the edge of Satan's spight;
Load-starre of all engolfd in worldly waves,
The card and compasse that from shipwracke saves.

The patriark and prophettes were the floures
Which Tyme by course of ages did distill,
And culld into this little cloude the shoures
Whose gracious droppes the world with joy shall fill;
Whose moysture suppleth every soule with grace,
And bringeth life to Adam's dyinge race.

For God, on Earth, she is the royall throne,
The chosen cloth to make His mortall weede;
The quarry to cutt out our Corner-stone,
Soyle full of fruite, yet free from mortall seede;
For heavenly floure she is the Jesse rodd,
The childe of man, the parent of a God.

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